Team - Équipe

Sketch of Anita, a woman of maturer age, chin-lenght fair hair, glasses, dominant earring on the right, smiling.

Anita Portmann

PORTA development lead
Special needs pedagogue, specialist for AAC, PORTA main developer,  PORTA training coordinator and trainer


Sketch of Jette, a younger woman with medium-length dark hair, dark eyes, warm smile.

Jette Hunsperger

Special needs pedagogue, specialist particularly for communication & deafblindness, PORTA trainer


Sketch of Mirko, a middle-aged man, with sunglasses and Panama hat, dominant dark eyebrows, smiling with dimples.

Mirko Baur

Co-founder and director
Special needs pedagogue & germanist, coach, specialist for DEI, PORTA co-developer and trainer, President DbI


Sketch of Angela, a middle-aged woman with short, graying hair, long earrings and a broad smile squinting eyes cheerfully.

Angela Camenisch

Germanist and pedagogue, specialist for AAC, for  communication & deafblindness, PORTA main developer and trainer


Sketch of Sara, a young woman with short dark hair, bright eyes, round earrings and an open laugh.

Sara Kiener

Social pedagogue, specialist for communication & deafblindness, PORTA trainer, Board member DbI


Sketch of Viola, a younger woman with medium-length darker hair, dark almond-shaped eyes, dark eyebrows, and an open laugh.

Viola Buchmann

Special needs pedagogue, specialist for AAC,  lecturer of the Society for AAC, co-initiator of the UK petition, President buk, PORTA trainer